Bloody Mary aka Queen Mary I
On this very day, 17 November, the rabidly Catholic daughter of King Henry VIII died. She was succeeded by Elizabeth I, but today I talk about Mary's present incarnation
Loss, banishment and shunning - past life patterns
There is nothing more freeing than realising that the tests and challenges we experience with our nearest and dearest can often be explained and released when we realise that we have ‘been there and done it’ centuries before! This was the case with Rose, who discovered the patterns which tore her apart from her mother in this life and which had been mirrored in a past life in the medieval court of infamous King Henry VIII of England.
Please note: I have boldened words below that tie in to the synchronicities I have found, which clues I sleuth to determine past lives for myself and others.
Queen Mary I of England and Ireland (b.18 February 1516 – d.17 November 1558). Mary I was also known as Mary Tudor, and as "Bloody Mary" by her Protestant opponents. The eldest born to his first wife, the Spanish Catharine of Aragon, Mary came to reign for five years from July 1553 until her death, on 17 November 1558.
Name and date synchronicities
In the present day, Rose's mother, Constance Mary, not only held the same name as her past life counterpart Mary I, but Constance's birthdate, 17 November is the very same day that Mary I, daughter of Catharine of Aragon left this mortal coil in 1558. Automatically this meant that 17 November was the date that Elizabeth I, half-sister to Mary I, would have ascended the throne.
Character synchronicity
The young Princess is described as a precocious child, entertaining her father, Henry VIII's, foreign visitors. This she did with confidence and aplomb, even as a very young girl. Likewise in this life, Constance Mary was quite a handful all through her childhood and was very good at 'holding court' when she was an adult. She had been extremely glamorous as a teenager and became a keen young member of the local Operatic Society. She starred in various plays and looked like a movie star. She had kept all of her glossy dance gowns and long silken gloves, which her daughters Rose and Annabel, loved to play 'dressing up' with. They really enjoyed clacking around their home in their mother's glitzy high heels and jewellery, ‘fit for a Princess.’
Constance Mary had also learnt Latin at school and it appears that Mary I was talented in Latin and other languages from a young age:
Life circumstance synchronicities
Princess Mary was to have an increasingly troubled relationship with her father, King Henry VIII, who was quite cruel to her by sending her away to Wales when she was only nine. Likewise, Constance Mary and her sister had been sent away to boarding school. Rose's mother had found it a very difficult transition away from her family.
Princess Mary was 17 when her mother Queen Catherine of Aragon was deposed and no longer his wife. King Henry VIII sent them both away separately and cruelly forbade teenage Mary to see her mother or even to exchange letters ever again. This was when Mary found herself incarcerated at Knole House in Sevenoaks, Kent, with only the vast lonely hall of dull portraits to keep her company.
Luckily, Catharine's ladies-in-waiting and footmen were loyal to their beloved ex-Queen and made sure to carry secret letters between the shamed mother and Lady Mary. Just three years later, when Mary was only twenty, the estranged daughter was inconsolable at the news of her mother Catharine's death, at the age of fifty, in 1536.
In this incarnation, Rose was determined that history would not repeat itself and sent her mother the odd letter and clandestine texts, keeping in touch with her, without her religious step-father's knowledge. Due to the shunning practices they were duty bound to adhere to once Rose had left the cult and disassociated herself, she knew full well that she would also not be allowed to see her mother in the flesh before her death. Rose dreaded the day of Constance Mary’s passing, as there would be so many regrets and tears to be shed, just as Princess Mary had deeply grieved her estranged mother's loss.
If we are to believe we reincarnate in order to learn and grow, it seemed that Constance Mary had not consciously remembered her past life woundings and unbeknown to her, in this lifetime these circumstances were playing out as they had hundreds of years ago. It seemed to Rose to be too late for her mother who is eighty-seven today, the 17 November, to wake up and remember that the bond of family love should triumph above all, washing away any religious differences. Rose had worked on her own karma in light of these realisations and had felt the last pangs of loss, banishment and shunning leave her system. She was now at peace in forgiveness and knew that her mother was her teacher in this life. In the end ‘all shall be well’ as Julian of Norwich wrote.
Religious conflict synchronicity
Both of Constance Mary's parents would have turned in their graves had they known what converting to a fundamentalist cult would mean for her and her daughter. The bloody medieval battles between Catholicism and Protestantism, from which executions Mary I had earned her nickname Blood Mary, had reflected again in Rose's mother’s current life. Raised strictly in the Church of England with Protestant origins, she had converted to a christian cult, Jehovah’s Witnesses, when Rose was ten. This had caused much friction with her family at the time, although luckily no-one was literally sent to the gallows, it caused much lasting pain.
Location synchronicities
As we saw earlier, Rose had realised that the very place that the now demoted Princess Mary or Lady Mary as she was now named, had been sent away to by Henry VIII, when he divorced her mother, was Knole House. When Rose first returned from Bavaria, having left her marriage and the cult, she went to live in Sevenoaks. In her Tudor flat on the main road, she was no further than ten minutes walk from Knole House. Today there is still a beautiful deer park spanning acres of land, the legacy of Archbishop Cranmer's hard work bequeathed to Henry VIII for his royal hunting trips. Rose was drawn to wander in the grounds over and over, unwittingly treading the same paths as her mother would have done in her past incarnation there centuries earlier.
As often happened when she allowed her mind to relax and drift, Rose had started connecting the dots. Suddenly she remembered that she had lived in Tudor Avenue, when she had moved from her Tudor flat with its low hanging ancient wooden beams, to an apartment in Otford.
Queen Mary I inherited estates in Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex when Henry VIII died. This linked her to other members of Rose's Tudor soul group, including herself, whose Tudor past life was born in Norfolk, where she currently lived.
Looking back at the preceding conclusions Rose had drawn from all these reflections on her past lives and the synchronicities with the people she had shared them with, she knew it was something she needed to write about. For some reason, she felt that it was an important message to those on their spiritual ascension path. She came to see it as a prerequisite for herself to clear these, if she wanted to be a healer. The phrase “physician heal thyself” came to mind, as many wounded healers were unwittingly projecting their own past life trauma onto others, disassociated from their own pain and the need to expunge it, before assisting others.
In more recent years, with the cataclysmic events on the world scene, it felt like a more urgent requirement to look into the mirror of one's own murky past. Now is the time to brush away the cobwebs in the creaky manor houses and seek out the hidden skeletons in the cupboards of ancient castles, in order to lift the portcullis guarding the heart and to build new bridges to a higher consciousness of unconditional love.
With these lofty thoughts in mind, Rose sent her mother a couple of messages as a way of waving the white flag of peace. Her heart had softened towards her when Rose had realised that, painful as the shunning was in this lifetime for both of them, her mother had experienced this tenfold in that past incarnation. It made Rose feel a wave of compassion for her mother.
To her great surprise, Constance Mary sent her back a photograph of the most stunning red rose from her garden, which had orange underlining the two toned petals. It was a beautiful sign of connection to the Tudor Rose, and a synchronous symbol of their past lives together. To Rose, the red rose also symbolised Mary Magdalene's healing energy. It felt as if she was giving Rose her assistance in healing the wounds between mother and daughter over the centuries. Rose uttered a prayer of gratitude for this kind gesture of love from The Universe and sent a prayer of deep thanks.
In light of these discoveries I have developed a clearing, healing ceremonial cleansing protocol. If you also feel drawn to exploring repeating past life patterns in order to release them, please use the email below to book a complimentary session with me.
These Tudor stories are an extract from Chapter 11 in my book “Past Lives That Matter, how to remember, heal and transform them” where many other characters in the royal court come to life again, as the soul family expands.
Isisi Allthings aka The Past Life Detective
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