Drone & Orbgate: ET phone home, Part 4
Drones are consistently being seen around the world going after Orb like plasma shapes which morf with extraterrestrial-like technology, but are they ETs?
Since my last Blog, there is STILL no information forthcoming about what the drones and orbs are, either from The US White House or the UK Government, or any other official, for that matter. As everyone has therefore been madly speculating in the last month or so, ALL over social media, it seems the general consensus is that the large drones with red and green flashing lights (which are official aircraft regulations), are black budget secret US military craft. That’s on a need to know basis of course, even to The White House, but we’re pretty convinced at this point, that Biden and Trump both know exactly what they are and are obfuscating. Not-a-hint. Not-a-peep! Zippy.
Outsize Drones
We also know that these drones, the size of an SUV, hover for hours over military and other sensitive sites. They don’t run out of fuel or battery life, so presumably are using advanced means to stay up there. Lots of shrugging of the shoulders from any official questioned in Congress or at the Press office.
One military base in the US even stopped its air traffic which is unheard of. The Lakenheath RAF base in Norfolk UK also went dark, which is extremely unusual. It all started back in late November 2024, at three of the RAF bases in Norfolk and Suffolk, UK, which by the way are not that far from where I live.
It is rumoured that these bases in England, amongst others, house US nuclear warheads…..There have been an increasing amount of crazy sightings since then, especially concentrated over New Jersey, New York, USA. These drones are now being spotted in lots of other states too across America and indeed around the world.
Plasma Orbs
Source: Orb sightings
So to summarise hours of avid surfing (yes, I’m obsessed), further developments to the thousands of drone captures by the public, are the often accompanying orbs. Sometimes these form clusters over the sea, but mostly they seem to be pursued over land by the drones, with high speed military aircraft following up the rear. The reason they lag behind, is that the orbs can travel way faster than anything the world’s top military fighters can keep up with. They can do impossible 90 degrees turns and shoot off. They also have no heat emissions, so cannot be tracked by the military when they off……hence there is NO information about where they come from or where they go to - mysterious times indeed!
STILL no panic from the governments though, in fact apart from blocking drones in the New Jersey area and threatening arrest if this rule is broken, the US have forbidden anyone taking up arms against them. Some of these drones seem to hover over residential areas and are freaking people out, as you can imagine. All the FBI can say is “we cannot risk taking them out as this would hurt civilians from the fallout.”
What I’ve managed to find out for you, now goes a little deeper down the dark rabbit hole of astrophysics and military secrets and may bring us one step closer to the truth. I will divulge what I have discovered so far and I advise you to have a watch of the short video of Ashton Forbes, an Astro Physicist, who seems to have some real knowledge on the subject. Link further below.
Ashton the whistleblower, is putting forward another more advanced theory about the orbs and he is connecting the dots to plasma technology that the black budget US secret military has been covering up since the 50s! So although I know many of us really really want these to be extraterrestrial, sorry to disappoint, but they are also man-made, in his view.
In his video account further below, you will be taken back a few years to the sad account of the disappearing Malaysian Flight 370 all those years ago. On board were 10 key Chinese scientists/engineers. The key part of the story that I was not aware of, was that these Chinese citizens had been working at the secret US military units where advanced plasma technology has been developed for decades. The Chinese Government (CCS) covertly ordered them back to China to spill the beans, which of course the Americans intercepted by means of espionage.
So, what has this got to do with today’s orbs you may ask? Well, Flight 370 disappearing is connected to this current situation with the orbs that we are observing…. The Americans do not want this military technology falling into the hands of a foreign adversary….you guessed it…..it’s a matter of national security. Please take a look at Ashton’s video to see actual filmed footage of the way the Malaysian plane disappeared into thin air, with three orbs spinning around it. This was captured from space satellite film, which has been verified as genuine and not CGI….you are not going to believe what happened and it will all start to make sense of what is happening now….!!
The Real Story of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370
Video from @JustXAshton on X
Please feel free to like, comment, share and add to my research, the more the merrier. There is strength in numbers.
Over and out and until part 5!
Denise Wise aka Isisi Allthings
The Past Life Detective
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