Dronegate: ET phone home, Part 3
You may or may not know that currently, world-wide, there have been 3,000 sightings in the US alone, of huge drones some the size of an SUV....?
The British Government and the FBI in the US are shrugging their shoulders and playing dumb, or if not they are (as usual) hiding something from us! Click to view whole screenshot medley I kindly prepared from X for you
All you need to do is search on ‘drones, New Jersey’ and you will get lots of splendid commentary…. but it’s happening world-wide just so you know. If you need a link, here’s one summarising the US military response
OK I was going to say ‘unless you live under a rock,” (you will know that there have been swarms of drone sightings in New Jersey/New York State for the last few weeks, but also across the US)…but, that wouldn’t be fair because although it’s slightly hit the mainstream news, it’s not exactly splashed all over the TV is it? Would you not think that when the FBI cannot explain to Congress or to 500 New York Mayors what these are, track where they are coming from or where they are going to, after hovering for hours nea military sites and arms facilities, that this would be the ONLY talking point on MMS? I mean after my last two blogs on ET phoning home, I’m pretty excited that it may just be….extraterrestrial….. please…..I want it so bad.
Luckily I get my news from X where censorship is much less of a problem than most other social media sites. On TikTok and Instagram you will also see plenty of live footage of people trying to capture these drones and also orbs, on their mobile phones. Most of them sound pretty freaked out to be honest.
Even elected President Donald Trump has waded in where others fear to tread (nothing new there then) saying “shoot them down!”
There are pranksters out there for sure, so I’ve tended to listen to actual Senators and White House officials talking about it, just to corroborate the crazy stuff. Balance is key. A couple of geeks sent up their drones to examine these UAPs (that’s unidentified arial phenomena to you) seeing as The White House isn’t doing anything about it, and the private drones were drained of battery after 3 mins, when they normally fly for a couple of hours! These pesky SUV drones don’t seem to like having their picture taken….!
It seems that the US military have indeed sent up their drones to try and intercept them but the advanced tech that these mysterious drones have, enables them to swift foot it out of the area and leave no tracking signals. They also do 90 degree turns, something we can’t do, allegedly. One Senator claims he saw 50 of them rising up out of the sea, but ‘they’ are trying to discredit him.
The reason so many people have been able to spot them, is that most of these drones seem to have a red light on one side and a green light on the other, following aircraft protocol. The pilots I have listened to relaying information back to base seem baffled about these objects in their flight paths, but not hysterical or raging with fear….odd….think you not? Are they in on it too? Have they been briefed and nobody else? Is this a covert military operation on a need to know basis, a foreign adversary or …..dare I say it….alien technology?
I hope, for all of our sake that it’s not the current theory I just heard, that 80 US nukes stored in Ukraine have gone unaccounted for and that maybe one got snuck onto American soil via a sub or a shipping container. The UK are blaming Russia of course, that’s an easy target. The reason this would be very worrying for the FBI is that the ‘suitcase nukes’ are remote controlled…so maybe…just maybe, the mysterious drones are actually US secret military tech that they really didn’t want to pull out and use, but as higher levels of radiation have been picked up in the NJ area (see above map in the top screenshots) they might actually be trying to sniff out the perpetrator….would explain all the secrecy as they ‘don’t want the public to panic’ of course.
Personally I would rather get the hell out of there if I knew there was radioactive material in the air, but no, keeping the masses calm is obviously what those in power keep adhere to, as their first priority….they are sounding more and more like the British! “Keep Calm and Carry On”. Nothing to see here. Harmless. Move on, no don’t, stay home and…. don’t look up!
Well all I can conclude with is that until anything else develops, that’s about the sum of my furious researching over the last week and it hasn’t brought me any closer to the truth. Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger, but “watch this space” (pun intended), things are about to get weird….!
Oh, and if anything should happen before my next blog, just remember, I love you and thanks for following. I appreciate your company. Do ‘like’ and comment, it helps me not feel so lonely. Big hugs xxxxx
Over and out
Denise Wise aka Isisi Allthings
The Past Life Detective
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