May 17Liked by The Past Life Detective

Past lives are where we go when we cannot find a point in our present life where whatever is bugging us originates. The past is never over for us unless and until our feelings about it change and heal. And the only way I have found to change and heal feelings is to uncover and release the self-judgements and vows holding those feelings in place. Self-judgment and vows get stuck in the magnetic energy of the emotional body (subconscious mind). I suspect your friend has some heavy duty self-judgments and vows from her past life as Anne Boleyn. And you may also, as her sister, Mary, have your own issues. After all, Henry impregnated Mary and then tossed her side to woo Anne. Not to mention your callous parents who sacrificed all three of their children to their ambitions. Family disfunction has been around forever, it seems.

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Thank you so much for commenting Candace. Yes you are spot on. This lady, although aware of the work around her current issues and the connections to the past life, finds it very challenging to take responsibility for these in order to fully heal. I've written extensively about Mary Boleyn in my book "Past Lives That Matter - how to remember, release and transform them" where I deal with three of my medieval past lives and the deep emotional lessons I am learning to release. In particular I show how my parents in this life, Jehovah's Witnesses, have shunned me for 30 years and how I have come to a place of forgiveness, just as Mary may have done with her ambitious and ruthless parents in her lifetime. Just as Mary probably had two secret children with Henry and her son was sent away for his education, I have experienced this kind of separation from my only daughter. Luckily this had a happy ending , as did Mary's story and I'm learning from that too, although whether I will meet my William Stafford, the love of her life, I do not know. The value of genuine love is immeasurable and that I all I can cultivate for myself and therefore others.

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May 18Liked by The Past Life Detective

I salute your courage. You have shown the kind of courage not highly valued in this world as it is today. But this quiet courage has the power to change the world--precisely by healing emotional wounds one soul one at a time.

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Thank you! I was beginning to wonder…but you’ve encouraged me to keep writing about it xxx

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